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The importance of labelling in purchasing decisions

The importance of labelling in purchasing decisions

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Food labels help us to maintain a healthy diet and take care of ourselves properly. Labels must include information about the ingredients used to prepare food, packaged or unpackaged, and this information can help us make a purchasing decision.

A European Regulation was passed in 2011 (EU Regulation No. 1169/2011) that unified the criteria and determined what must appear on food labels in order to ensure consumers get all the necessary information.

Why read labels

Product labels should provide useful, legible and comprehensive information to consumers. And they should reflect any important health or safety considerations for the proper use and consumption of the product.

People are increasingly comparing information on product labels before purchasing. Looking at labels should become a habit as it not only informs us about ingredients, it also helps us to avoid ingesting substances or products that could cause allergies or intolerances. That is what makes nutritional labelling a valid communication instrument to promote food education among consumers.

New labelling items incorporated in the 2011 regulation:

  • More information. More knowledge and better selection.
  • Information that is clearer and easier to understand. It avoids ambiguities and does not mislead.
  • Larger lettering. Improved legibility.
  • Obligatory nutritional information. In order to take responsible and safe decisions.
  • Nutritional information grouped together. Easy to read at a glance.
  • Standardised information and nomenclatures. Better product comparison, food analysis and dietary contribution.
  • Highlighted information about ingredients that cause allergies and intolerances. Safer for people with allergies or intolerances.
  • Obligatory information on packaged and unpackaged products. Information without exceptions, safety and ease in purchasing and consuming, as well as for remote purchases.

Macsa can help you with coding solutions for food traceability. If you would like us to evaluate which system is the right one for your company, please contact us. At Macsa we have laser, ink and label solutions that can optimise the coding of your products with a high level of quality and reliability.



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