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The head of the Centre for Technological Development (CDTI) visits Macsa ID.

The head of the Centre for Technological Development (CDTI) visits Macsa ID.

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The essence of Macsa ID is innovation and the state agency fosters and supports the leading companies in the Spanish business world.

On March 15th 2018, Macsa ID was pleased to welcome to its offices the Managing Director of the CDTI, Francisco Marín, with the aim of visiting the new facilities and also seeing in situ the progress made by Macsa in R&D in its latest technological innovation projects, in which the CDTI has contributed in a very important way. CDTI Centre for Technological Development

The objective of the Centre for Technological Development (CDTI) is to promote and support corporate R&D&I so that companies are more competitive in today’s increasingly globalized markets. Therefore, its mission is to ensure that Spanish businesses generate and transform scientific and technical knowledge into sustainable and globally competitive growth.

This organization has a complete range of grants covering each of the development phases of companies – from start-up to competitive growth – and covers the entire innovative process – industrial research, experimental development, innovation and technological adaptation.

It also has the financial tools which best suit the needs of innovative companies: from Partially Reimbursable Aids, subsidies, subsidised loans for the purchase of state-of-the-art assets, to the capitalisation of companies which are starting up. Centre for Technological Development

Francisco Marín, General Director of CDTI made the following remarks, “If I had to define the values that best characterize the work carried out at CDTI, I would mention our vocation of service; the closeness and collaboration that we maintain at all times with the business world; our confidentiality and objectivity in the evaluation of technological projects and, ultimately, our efficiency and flexibility when adopting new measures for the benefit of innovative Spanish companies.”

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