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9 Apr, 2020

Coding packaging for the pharmaceutical industry

Pharmaceutical products traceability. Coding packaging for the pharmaceutical industry If we think about the importance of traceability and safety of the production processes that are currently carried out, we may not find an industry where they are more valuable than...

6 Apr, 2020

Now more than ever, Macsa id is here for you

Macsa ID As COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide, the uncertainty associated with this pandemic has undoubtedly led to questions concerning Macsa ID’s contingency plans in the face of the outbreak. In such challenging and changing times, we wish to assure...

5 Mar, 2020

Laser engraving of datamatrix on steel

On certain occasions, the laser engraving of a piece must be carried out at an intermediate step of the production process. This implies that a marking must be resistant to the processes in the manufacturing chain that follow on, which...

27 Jan, 2020

Parquet internal traceability

Traceability is a guarantee of control The innovation and development of new technologies mean that more and more industries increase their levels of control and traceability of their processes in order to optimize costs and ensure the best product. The...

23 Jan, 2020

Jordi Piñot, President and CEO of Macsa ID, Catalonia finalist for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award

The prestigious award, which celebrates its twenty-fourth edition in Spain, is sponsored by BNP Paribas and the collaboration of IESE The act of proclaiming candidates for Catalonia for the prize was attended by more than a hundred representatives from the...

15 Jan, 2020

Laser marking on recycled polymer pipe

Recycling is an increasingly present matter in society, and polymer recycling is not exempt from the trend, despite not being easy due to the variety and composition of the materials. Laser marking on recycled polymer pipe saves consumable costs since...

5 Dec, 2019

Macsa ID wins the “Innovation Award” at the “European Business Awards 2019”

Macsa ID has been named Winner of the Award for Innovation with turnover of €26-150M in the Grand Final of the 2019 European Business Awards, at an esteemed awards ceremony held in Warsaw, Poland. More than 500 successful business leaders...

2 Dec, 2019

Laser marking on cardboard

Secondary packaging must also be coded correctly so as not to lose the traceability of the products inside. In this case, cardboard boxes that contain cleaning sprays. Laser marking on cardboard is one of the most common in the coding...

25 Jan, 2018

Painted steel marking with DPSS laser

Marking and coding generally indicate the serial number, the batch number, the expiry date and so on, but this time we are going to focus on when a warning message needs to be added, and specifically the marking of a...

22 Jan, 2018

Laser marking on plastic taps

The last manufacturing process that the product undergoes is coding and marking so that the relevant identification regulations concerning packaged foods or drinks can also be adhered to. In this particular application we can see that the product reference, the...

12 Nov, 2017

‘Annealing’ on stainless steel bearing

Metal parts, such as bearings, also need to be marked for identification with their product reference, brand or lot number for later traceability. Metal requires a marking and coding that does not damage the surface and with a high marking...

5 Nov, 2017

Coding with laser reactive ink on glass

Glass, one of the most widely used substrates in cosmetics and perfumes, is one of the materials in which laser marking is of excellent quality and which is also considered as one of the hardest. In addition to this, Macsa...

3 Oct, 2017

Marking a data matrix on aluminum

In the automotive industry many different component manufacturers are involved to deliver the parts needed for final assembly. The productivity demands of the automotive sector necessitate coding and marking systems that enable the identification, control and traceability of all components...

2 Oct, 2017

Perforation of coding numbers in pet passports

Identification document production requires increasingly more secure and permanent printing and marking technology. The Macsa K-1030 HPD laser is a CO2 laser with a high energy density able to perforate multiple sheets within a passport, thereby replacing traditional mechanical processes....

18 May, 2017

Laser marking of 2D QR code on aluminum valves

There are many reasons why the products are coded, thanks to Macsa ID laser equipment, almost all substrates may be marked with guarantees of permanence and contrast. This is the case of aluminum valves. A 2D Datamatrix code marking was...

2 May, 2017

Complex message laser coding on cardboard packaging

The pharmaceutical sector needs reliable equipment for coding carton boxes which will contain medicines in order to comply with the legal requirements of traceability, following the GS1 standard for pharma products.
