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29 Jun, 2021

Laser marking on plastic for plumbing

ABMARK laser equipment is used to encode and mark products of a wide variety of materials, including paper, cardboard, plastics (PET, PVC, HDPE), glass, metals and wood. The messages and graphics that are achieved are of high quality, at a...

27 May, 2021

Film laser marking (Sleeve)

Macsa ID laser equipment is used to encode and mark products of a wide variety of materials, including paper, cardboard, plastics (PET, PVC, HDPE), glass, metals and wood. The messages and graphics that are achieved are of high quality, at...

13 May, 2021

Traceability in automotive parts

Traceability in automotive parts is a key feature of this industry. In an environment where production efficiency is a strategic competition, and where the production rate is very high, a good traceability system is essential to compete in the market....

21 Apr, 2021

Painted cardboard label

  Cardboard coding in painted cardboard label using CO2 lasers is one of the most widespread types of marking in the industry. However, the increasing power capacity and improved optical performance of lasers have made it possible to evolve from...

15 Apr, 2021

Metal Trophy Laser Marking

An award is one of the most appreciated ways in which we recognise achievement that anyone would be excited to receive. Behind each Metal Trophy Laser Marking, there is a story, not only of who receives the trophy, but of...

26 Mar, 2021

Glass bottle laser marking

Marking and coding of the glass can be done using different laser technologies. Although the best known is the C Series CO2 technology, which provides very high coding speeds, the reactions produced by this type of laser are irregular. This...

23 Feb, 2021

Datamatrix laser marking on automotive components

Engineering plastics are widely used in the automotive world. They possess properties such as wear resistance, flame resistance and light weight that make the material ideal for applications in different parts of vehicles, specific variants can be developed to meet...

2 Feb, 2021

Laser marking on steel valves

Macsa id success story in the plumbing market Client: BrassCraft® Country: USA Industry: Production and distribution of plumbing products Application: Marking of metal parts Macsa id Solution: Pulsed fiber laser SPA F-9020 History of the company Founded by Robert Zell...

20 May, 2020

Beverage can laser coding

The beverage industry is one of the industries with the highest production rates. In most of these factories, the hourly production of beverage cans is around 80,000 cans per hour. Since it requires coding of several lines of text, marking...

6 May, 2020

Laser coding of pills

Laser coding of pills On other occasions we have seen examples of marking in the pharmaceutical industry to comply with the appropriate regulations corresponding to the FDA’s Unique Device Identification (UDI) or the European Union’s Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD). In...

24 Apr, 2020

PET laser cutting for protective mask manufacturing

PET laser cutting for protective mask manufacturing Sometimes the world receives a blow for which it is not prepared, which puts society’s proactivity, agility, efficiency and solidarity to the test. During this COVID-19 crisis, the world is responding in an...

17 Apr, 2020

Coding on cardboard detergent boxes

Coding on cardboard detergent boxes Packaging coding on cardboard detergent boxes, is one of the industries where the use of lasers is most widely used. The reason for this is the high production rates, where a marking system without consumables...

9 Apr, 2020

Coding packaging for the pharmaceutical industry

Pharmaceutical products traceability. Coding packaging for the pharmaceutical industry If we think about the importance of traceability and safety of the production processes that are currently carried out, we may not find an industry where they are more valuable than...

5 Mar, 2020

Laser engraving of datamatrix on steel

On certain occasions, the laser engraving of a piece must be carried out at an intermediate step of the production process. This implies that a marking must be resistant to the processes in the manufacturing chain that follow on, which...

27 Jan, 2020

Parquet internal traceability

Traceability is a guarantee of control The innovation and development of new technologies mean that more and more industries increase their levels of control and traceability of their processes in order to optimize costs and ensure the best product. The...

15 Jan, 2020

Laser marking on recycled polymer pipe

Recycling is an increasingly present matter in society, and polymer recycling is not exempt from the trend, despite not being easy due to the variety and composition of the materials. Laser marking on recycled polymer pipe saves consumable costs since...