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High cadence labelling with seal

High cadence labelling with seal

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Macsa id success story in the food market

  • Client: Nestlé SA
  • Country: Spain
  • Industry: Food– Production of homogenised food preparations and dietetic foods
  • Applications: Security seal labelling
  • Macsa id Solution: High-speed top-side seal label application system

History of the company

Nestlé S.A. is the largest food and beverage company in the world, with a presence in 190 countries. It has over 2,000 brands, some globally iconic and others regional, representing a wide variety of products.

At the Miajadas plant, Nestlé manufactures Solis and Buitoni tomato sauces, as well as sauces made by other firms or private labels for the major supermarkets, with an annual production volume of 30,000 tonnes. etiquetado precinto


The client’s need originated at the Nestlé Miajadas Production Centre (Cáceres), from the new requirement of one of its most important customers: the application of type top-side seal labels on glass sauce cans with metal lids.

As the containers have various sizes, the system must be flexible to adapt to all of them and to future measurements.

High cadence labelling with seal

Macsa id solution

The solution suggested by Macsa id consists of a high-speed top-side seal label application system, with an average speed of 50 metres/minute and an average cadence of 350 products/minute.

As this was a new requirement from its end customer, Nestlé did not have the need to carry out this labelling process previously.

Nestlé manufactures this product on special request, only 4 days a month, for about 8 hours each day. An increase in production volume is expected due to the growing demand for products with security seals.


Macsa id won this project thanks to two key factors:

Reliable and robust equipment that covers a new need and has the capacity to take on current and future production.
• The system provided is not an impediment to the client’s production line: it adapts to the speed of the line and does not imply limitations for daily production.

High cadence labelling with seal


Are you looking for a high cadence labelling with seal system to integrate into your production line? Do not hesitate and contact us.

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