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Industrial marking

The Industry's Most Versatile and Innovative Laser Marking Solutions

The Macsa ID industrial laser range is the most extensive in the industry. The wide and innovative range of off-line and on-line solutions, comprising lasers, workstations, software and accessories has been designed to provide a wide range of industrial laser marking solutions in multiple industrial sectors.
The iLaserBox workstations by Macsa ID are compact, cost-effective, and easy to install solutions for industrial laser marking. They ensure safe Class 1 operation in semi-manual, low-volume applications and can be used with Macsa ID NANO and other lasers for a fully automated marking process. Designed to enhance productivity, these workstations offer an ideal blend of affordability and safety, making them suitable for a variety of industrial production lines.
Our industrial laser marking solutions provide permanent, high-quality, and precise marking, ideal for traceability in high-speed production lines. With features like the Vibration Compensation System (VCS) and a 3D printing kit, they ensure flexibility and sustainability without consumables. Suitable for various materials and industries, they deliver reliable and efficient results.