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Coding on cardboard detergent boxes

Coding on cardboard detergent boxes

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Coding on cardboard detergent boxes

Packaging coding on cardboard detergent boxes, is one of the industries where the use of lasers is most widely used. The reason for this is the high production rates, where a marking system without consumables such as lasers, apart from being more sustainable, is more durable and economical.

By using CO2 technologies, the painted cardboard is an easy substrate to mark and the ink can be stripped with relative ease. Depending on the internal paint layer or the substrate, the visibility of the marking obtained is very high.

Depending on line speed requirements and message size, the required laser power will be higher or lower. In this case, for a coding of 2 lines and 15 characters each, with a character height of 5 mm, we have used a 30 watt laser with a wavelength of 10.6 microns and a 60×60 mm field lens to meet the customer’s speed requirements: marking at 30 m/min with a spacing between marks of 100 mm.

The result is fine line marking with high contrast and visibility, which ensures excellent coding of the manufactured product.

Technical Information

  • Laser: SPA CB 30
  • Lens: 60×60
  • Market: Homecare
  • Application: Codification
  • Product: Detergent box
  • Material: Painted cardboard
  • Marking type: Dynamic
  • Marking time: 0.07 s
  • Line speed: 30 m/min.

Coding on cardboard detergent boxes


For more information about coding on cardboard, please contact us.

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