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  Packaging trends in a post-Covid market The logistics industry has been put under unprecedented demands during the Covid pandemic, due to huge growth in e-commerce and major supply chain disruptions. The combination of both factors has demonstrated the need to incorporate demand-driven...
Marking on cosmetics packaging Macsa ID's wide range of industrial lasers provides solutions for very specific marking needs. Marking on cosmetics packaging: This is the case for Bettina, an international manufacturer of high quality cosmetic products with a large export capacity to different countries, which posed an...
marcaje láser datamatrix
If there is a permanently evolving industry, it is without a doubt the: The laser marking of the automotive industry. Over the past few years, this sector has undergone an important process of technological transformation, one that will continue in the future...
trazabilidad productiva macsa
Shall we define traceability? Traceability is the ability to retrieve the full history or location of an item or product by means of recorded identification. All in all, to register all the information of a product, such as manufacturers, suppliers, distributors. This information...
coding of medical devices
Codification of medical devices ensure peace of mind of companies and clients, medical devices must be easily identifiable at all levels of packaging and use. Under EU Medical Device Regulations 2017/745 and 2017/746, after 26/5/2020, companies who operate in this sector...
From the farm to the fork Nowadays, consumers seek both quality and safety in the products they buy and consume. Companies in the food and drink industry need reliable and efficient coding systems in order to guarantee the quality of their...
According to the AECOC Food Safety Committee, traceability “is the set of those pre-established and self-sufficient procedures that mean that the history, location and distribution of a product or batch of products can be tracked at any given time along...
Companies that need to mark their products face many challenges in terms of achieving high-quality coding. And traditional marking systems do not always provide the optimal result we are looking for. Laser marking, on the other hand, stands out from...
Food labels help us to maintain a healthy diet and take care of ourselves properly. Labels must include information about the ingredients used to prepare food, packaged or unpackaged, and this information can help us make a purchasing decision. A European...